
About Arpana Patel

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So far Arpana Patel has created 22 blog entries.
16 05, 2023

IMPALA Consortium Welcome New Members

2023-05-16T09:05:28-04:00May 16, 2023|News|

In the first few months since its launch, the Inter coMPany quALity Analytics (IMPALA) Consortium welcomes its newest BioPharma members: Amgen, AstraZeneca, Eli Lilly and Company, GSK, Galapagos, and Sanofi. IMPALA officially launched in October 2022 as a member program [...]

10 05, 2023

RQA Quality Conversation Session

2023-05-10T15:51:41-04:00May 10, 2023|News|

RQA features a session from IMPALA Consortium titled "Overview of IMPALA Industry Group and its impact on modernizing GCP/PV Quality." The session features Timothe Menard (Roche), Maria Brynildsen (Sanofi), and Michael Pelosi  (Astellas). The session discusses the industry needs that [...]

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